ChIP-seq Pipeline

All Chip-Seq libraries in the database were processed by a unified python scripting pipeline.
To get started, download the script below and input your CSV file with at least two columns: Sample Name, Sample Fastq, Control Name and Control Fastq (if any).
Output includes two folders namely "peakcall" (narrowPeak files) and "BigWig" (bw files).

Overview of the Pipeline
Tool Version of Pipeline
Tool Version
sratoolkit 2.11.2
pfastq-dump 0.1.6
trim-galore 0.6.4
cutadapt 2.10
fastqc 0.11.8
bowtie2 2.2.6
samtools 1.10
deeptools 3.4.3
Run the ChIP-seq Pipeline (Docker Version) * Suggested

To execute the ChIP-seq Pipeline Docker version, there is no requirement to configure the environment.

Step 1: Pull the Docker Image

Step 2: Download bowtie2 Index File Step 3: Create a CSV file Step 4: Prepare the ChIP-seq data Step 5: Run the code
Run Run the ChIP-seq Pipeline (Source Version) Environmental Setting

Please check the following programs are all installed before running the pipeline !!

Step1: Install sratoolkit

Step2: Install pfastq-dump
Step3: Install trim-galore
Step4: Install bowtie2
Step5: Install samtools
Step6: Install macs2
Step7: Install deeptools
Run the ChIP-seq Pipeline
Step 8: Download the ChIP-seq pipeline Download the source code of pipeline
Step 9: Prepare the ChIP-seq data Step 10: Create a CSV file, Step 11: Setting the pipeline
Step 12: Run the code